New Employee Form

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Your Name
Please provide the first and last name of the person filling out this form.
Please provide the email address of the person filling out this form.
Employee Name
Please provide the new employee's first and last name.
Please provide information about this employee's role in the company.
Please provide the new employee's job title.
Please type the employee's start date.
Which computer will the new employee use? Do we need to order a PC or set them up on an existing computer?
All users get access to Company Shared and Standard Forms & Policies, unless specified in comments.
SharePoint Permissions
Please select user SharePoint permissions (if applicable).
Distribution Groups Required
Please select which distribution groups the new employee will require access to (if applicable).
Will the employee need access to Keeper vaults?
Keeper Vaults
Which Keeper Vaults will this employee need access to?
Which Printers?
All users get access to Company shared and Standard Forms & Policies, unless specified in comments.
Please leave us a note here if there are any other requirements that were not mentioned above, or if you would like us to make any changes to the selections.
Will this employee be taking over an existing phone, need a new phone, or do they need a phone at all?
Please provide a desk phone extension (if applicable).
Please provide us with the new employee's mobile phone number in order to reach them for support issues.
Please leave us a note here if there are any other requirements that were not mentioned above, or if you would like us to make any changes to the selections.